Sunday, July 7, 2013

IELTS Speaking Test in Australia and Macedonia – May 2013

- What is your full name?
- Can I see your ID?
- Where are you from?
- Do you work or study?
- Where do you work?
- Do you like toys? Why?
- What kind of toys did you usually play with as a child?
- Do you still have them? Why?
- What was the most important toy you had? Why?
- Why do you think some people value their toys?
- How often do you use a mobile phone?
- Do you switch off you phone during the day?
- Do you like to replace your phones often? Why?
- Why are trees important?
- Do you think every person has to plant a tree?

Cue Card
Describe a film or program that makes you laugh. Please say

- What film or program is it?
- Who is the actor or actress?
- Why does it make you laugh?

- Do you think people should laugh more often? Why?
- Do you think humor should be included in school lessons?
- Do you think sense of humor is important in a relationship?
- Do you know what happens to our body when we laugh?
- What does make children laugh?
- Why do children laugh more than adults?

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