Thursday, October 31, 2013

Words to Impress the Examiner

In the IELTS speaking test, there are words that you can use to impress the examiner. Though, it is not all about the vocabularies that you use. You, on the other hand, need to pay attention to your FLUENCY, PRONUNCIATION, and RANGE OF STRUCTURE (GRAMMAR) that you use.

My students always ask me if they have to do their best to pronounce the words with American or British accent. The answer would be to always keep in mind that if you can speak with a standard pronunciation of English, you have made yourself understood by the examiner. Being able to speak in BRITISH or AMERICAN accent is NEVER A MUST.

Below, there are some advanced-level vocabularies. Check your knowledge to see how may of them you know:

  1. Cajole
  2. Erudite
  3. Feral
  4.  Callous
  5.  Coerce
  6. Hypocrisy
  7. Complacency
  8. Flabbergasted
  9. Furtive
  10. Implacable

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